THE ILL backyard backer campaigN is LIVE

Become a backyard backer, and be the first to ride an ill bike. we’re hand-building 20 alpha bikes to the first 20 riders

Our first full-blooded dirt bike — the PDQ1 is still undergoing development and is currently at Alpha stage. We’ve been getting a lot of interest in the PDQ1 and have decided to hand build 20 Alpha bikes for the first 20 riders who can’t wait for the PDQ1.
We call those “backyard backers”

What’s an aplha bike?

Before production, our bikes undergo a series of hardcore track tests and technical tests. We do our very best to push it to it’s limits, making sure it holds true to our promise of building a full-blooded dirt bike. Once all the tests are completed to our satisfaction — we end up with the Alpha.

So it’s done?

Well.. yes and no. The bike rides like an absolute beast, and is pretty much ready to rock. Some parts needs to change in order for the bike to be produced at scale. Those changes are made to ensure a cost effective production and keep the sales price as low as possible. Other than that, the Alpha will undergo some minor design changes to make the PDQ1 ride even smoother and be even easier on the eyes. In short, from Alpha to PDQ1 the core of the bike will be unchanged and the ride just the same — absolutely ILL.

  • A beast of a bike
  • Our full love and respect
  • An Ill Backyard backers tshirt
If you are interested in becoming a “backyard backer” and get your hands on the ILL Alpha model and be one of the first to ride an ILL, reach out and lets set up a test ride. Feel free to reach out via email - just hit the link below.
Send us an email

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The PDQ1 is currently being tried and tested. Sign up for interest and be the first to know about trialdays, pre-order dates and more

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